
By: Julie Thorpe


Project Design and Curriculum Development

Just Solutions also creates bespoke training curricula for organisations that have their own internal training capacity but require specialist support to design and create specific training in new countries or new topics. We turn organisational aspiration into practical programme reality – from concept through to the training notes and materials. If required, we can also deliver programmes direct to the field or help build in-house training capacity. Our unique adult training methodology is based on an active learning approach that places the learner at the centre of the process – not as a consumer, but as a source of experience and energy.

We have frequently supported clients’ training teams with ongoing assessment and monitoring of training performance and a problem-solving role.

Just Solutions has a direct co-operation with and is a co-investor in the QuizRR tablet-based learning system for factory-level training and assessment. Using mini-movies that relate to the daily life of factory workers and a series of graduated multiple-choice questions, the package guides shopfloor level users through a progressive understanding of ‘Rights & Responsibilities’, ‘Workplace Dialogue and Representation’, ‘Occupational Health & Safety’ and ‘Fire Safety’. The system is particularly useful for management in providing detailed feedback on the effectiveness of internal training and the level of compliance on a day-to-day level.