Individual Coaching and Mentoring to ‘Be the Best That You Can Be’
In so many ways we create our own life pattern and our own success or failure. Whether we hang onto negative beliefs and memories from our past or create uplifting visions of our future, we are likely to attract whatever our mind focuses upon. The work, life and performance coaching that we undertake with clients therefore encourages clients to reflect on their internal goals and to adopt positive images of their achievement.
Whether motivation is low from feeling stuck in a rut at work, facing burn-out from a work-life imbalance, or a poor self-image from feeling overweight or shy, the client will aided to recover self-confidence and an increased sense of self worth. In this new frame of reference it will be easier to assess the current situation and match it to desired outcomes. By ‘time travelling’ to the future vision, the client can perceive more clearly their way through the maze and commit more thoroughly to the practical achievement of their goals.
Mentoring is a more structured programme of one-to-one career support that includes not only factors of personal motivation and goal-setting, but also a wider resourcing of knowledge specific to the person’s career needs and strategic planning for individual development. Typically the mentor is someone of greater experience and with a high-level background in the role being mentored. We have been engaged to assist in fast-starting the careers of new placements or of employees who have been chosen to undertake new roles in their organisation, within the general field of CSR, compliance and ethical supply chain management.
Both types of support require a firm relationship to be built between client and coach or mentor. Regular planned encounters are held face-to-face or over Skype with committed ‘homework’ assignments between them. Back-up support by phone or e-mail is always available if required. The duration of the relationship can be for any period according to the client’s requirements, but an initial plan is normally prepared jointly and reviewed after a few sessions.