What We Do

Workplace Social Dialogue

It is often assumed that ‘social dialogue’ is a phenomenon restricted to the industrialised world where industrial history has given rise to a range of specific institutional relationships, a negotiation culture and a legal framework that supports them. The advantages of an internal […]

Migrant Workers

According to recent ILO estimates, there are 150 million migrant workers in the world – meaning those who have crossed international borders. Often forgotten are internal migrants: India and China have hundreds of millions of such internal migrants. A special law even exists in India […]

Project Design and Curriculum Development

Just Solutions creates bespoke training curricula for organisations that have their own internal training capacity but require specialist support to design and create specific training in new countries or new topics. We turn organisational aspiration into practical […]

Conflict Resolution and Mediation

We believe that every conflict situation provides an opportunity for personal and organisational development. Conflict is a necessary part of life – not to be shunned as destructive, but to be seen as a positive sign that passion and integrity […]

Management Development, Mentoring and CSR Design

A company’s ethical behaviour starts at the top. It is essential that ethical trading receives fullest support from leading managers in the company and that this support is not only driven by received policy but reinforced by understanding and personal buy-in from managers down […]

Facilitating Freedom of Association

Just Solutions is clear that the development of successful workplace relations requires a dialogue to be developed between the partners in production. For such a dialogue to be engaged, however, there must be respect for each constituency. The right to ‘freedom of association’ […]

Due Diligence, Compliance Control, and ‘Value-Added Auditing’

Just Solutions undertakes in-depth social audits in all operating theatres for select clients to a very specific brief. While we do not see traditional compliance auditing as a sufficient safeguard in and of itself, we do acknowledge that continuous […]

Stakeholder Mapping and Forum Building

The strategic management of organisational change means involving the right people to support the appropriate development goals. Stakeholder mapping helps to identify who are the ‘right people’ and the best ways to involve them in planning and eventually in supporting necessary change and […]

Capacity Building

One of the key challenges in many developing countries is the quality of local NGO and union organisation. Underfunded, poorly trained and strongly resisted, local labour support networks are often unable to organise within local suppliers, making a mockery of international standards on ‘freedom of association’. More enlightened global[…]

Gender Issues in the Supply Chain

At its heart, industrial relations is about the exercise and balancing of power in production. Nowhere is this more evident than when considering the situation of women workers. While all workers around the globe face common […]

Co-operatives – Tomorrow’s Work Organisations

In the current economic climate, increased attention is being given to alternative ways of organising production and wealth distribution. There is ample evidence that the limits of the 19th century joint-stock corporation have been exceeded and are now proving counter-productive to […]

Health, Safety, and Environmental Control

A safe workplace starts at the top…and the bottom. If there is one area where management and workers need to work together (and we think that there are many!) it is surely in creating and maintaining a safe and health working environment. Process design […]

HIV and AIDS in the World of Work

The ILO estimates that around 30 million people living with HIV will be in the labour force by 2020. Although widely available ART drugs now mean that people living with HIV can remain in the workplace, it is not always available and stigma and discrimination against with […]

Alleviating Organisational Stress

The World Health Organisation has called stress “the health epidemic of the 21st century”: Across the major world economies stress levels at work are rising with 6 in 10 workers reporting increased workplace stress. The highest rise in workplace stress was reported in China […]

Counselling and Courses in Coping with Change at Work …and in Life

Organisational change can take a heavy toll on the individual employee caught up in the process. New technologies, new markets, mergers and restructurings all play havoc with personal stress levels. Unacknowledged emotions can break out as anger and counter-productive behaviour in […]

Individual Coaching and Mentoring to ‘Be the Best That You Can Be’

In so many ways we create our own life pattern and our own success or failure. Whether we hang onto negative beliefs and memories from our past or create uplifting visions of our future, we are likely to attract whatever our mind focuses upon. The work, life and performance coaching that […]