Stakeholder Mapping and Forum-Building
The strategic management of organisational change means involving the right people to support the appropriate development goals. Stakeholder mapping helps to identify who are the ‘right people’ and the best ways to involve them in planning and eventually in supporting necessary change and development. Just Solutions uses group dynamics, systems analysis and action research to identify the hierarcy of stakeholders and their needs or expectations.
Once identified within the classical matrix High Interest/Low Interest-High Influence/Low Influence, the key requirement is to understand how your stakeholders feel about your organisation and/or your plans for change. Unsurprisingly, the best way to find this out is to actually talk to them – to engage directly. This is where Just Solutions has a major advantage when it comes to interfacing with labour and/or community stakeholders, because of its origins within and its maintenance of contacts throughout the labour world. Within facilitated forums where organisations and their stakeholders can interact in a secure and confidential environment, our consultants use a variety of tools – from managed debate through energy psychology techniques to community theatre – to bring participants towards an improved understanding and an enduring relationship.
Our recent work has included:
- Pakistan: Facilitating a community-wide feedback mechanism, where government, industry, labor groups and the community were able to interface with global brands and international stakeholders to debate the future shape of industrial and community development for their region, following changes in the soccer ball production.
- Turkey: Leading a multi-stakeholder initiative for three years in the Turkish apparel industry to embrace not only brands, their suppliers and trade unions, but also relevant NGOs, government policy makers, industrial lobbies, service providers and academic researchers (see
- Bangladesh: Organising a national forum to enable a major global apparel brand to present and to take advice on a long-term supply chain development project with industry, trade union, NGO and government stakeholders.